Dear December – a month where we can all look forward to spending precious time together
And snuggling down in the warmth to escape the long dark evenings and crisp frosty weather!
Chipping Sodbury is looking festive with its decorations, trees and blinking and twinkling lights,
Adding to a wonderful and colourful theme to brighten and create the mood for those dark winter nights!
Victorian Day takes place with fun and frolics for all the family firmly guaranteed
With a visit from Father Christmas, magicians and musicians performing and a sumptuous hog roast to feed!
Snow will fall, choirs will sing, and the streets will be lined with stalls stocked with chestnuts and mince pies,
Plus all sorts of sparkling seasonal goodies – a feast for your senses and eyes!
There is the Chipping Sodbury Christmas lunch plus the Vintage and Handmade Fair
And the amazing Crib Festival and workshops with special scenes to gaze at and share!
Come and stay at The Moda house and try our new marmalade made to a new more traditional recipe
And do a spot of local sightseeing as well as indulging in a little spending spree!
So as nature draws down its shutters on this year and the Christmas phenomenon kicks in
We wish everyone a happy and healthy time with friends, loved ones and next of kin!
A little hint at times that the long winter is nearly over as the days get longer and the clocks change,
And we can look forward to lighter evenings as the practise of advancing clocks alters the time and range.
In Chipping Sodbury we have one of the world’s leading guitar quartets performing, along with a Craft Fayre,
The return of comedian Ed Byrne and the UK’s top Carpenters Experience show with all their hits to share!
It is also the month to spoil loved ones on Mothering Sunday, and to flip and enjoy a pancake or two,
As both events have their own traditions and will be celebrated by many to both indulge and say thank you!
March is a month that can be either winter or spring with blustery and sunny spells as nature begins its story
With flowers beginning to bloom, and the tulips and daffodils appearing in all their magnificent glory!
It is also a month that carries strong symbolism when animals wake from hibernation to the transformation
Of new growth, alongside the spring-cleaning rituals that become a fixation of the whole nation!
So let’s just enjoy the taste of things to come and celebrate St Patricks Day with vibrant celebrations,
Plus the famous Red Nose Day encouraging people to have fun to raise money for various organisations!
February can often seem like a difficult month with us all getting fed up with gloomy mornings,
And driving to and from work in the dark accompanied by the constant ice and snow chaos warnings!
Financially it can be challenging after the festive period, and the bank balance may be alarmingly low
But we can also happily anticipate the first snowdrops pushing through the ground as they begin to grow!
There is still plenty of activities taking place nearby with a Scotch whisky tasting up at Badminton Estate
Along with the Bristol Ensemble showcasing the transition from winter to spring with music to celebrate.
Chipping Sodbury’s Secret Sunday Comedy Club is back one more plus the return of an 80’s spell
With huge hits from Duran Duran, Wham, Culture Club, Frankie goes to Hollywood and Soft Cell!
February is also the month of love and a chance to show affection through cards, chocolates and roses,
With even the opportunity of marriage if he or she gets down on one knee and romantically proposes!
So come to The Moda House for the new marmalade and see if the addition of chillies works for you,
But be sure to contact us directly to check the availability and price and book a stay for a night or two!
January is often the month when it is time to pay more attention to our health, wellness, goals and diet,
And to exercise by getting out in nature with long walks to blow the cobwebs away and enjoy the quiet.
After all the Christmas madness it is nice to concentrate on the year ahead and look forward to what may be
With hopefully no dramas or major incidents, and we can recharge and refocus, and be relatively carefree!
Despite this sometime bleak month, in Chipping Sodbury there is plenty going on to keep us busy
With the production of Aladdin featuring all the favourites from Wishee Washee to Widow Twankey!
You can also experience the magic of Phil Collins and Genesis with songs and a 10-piece live band,
Who will transport you back in time with hits such as Against all Odds and Easy Lover on the baby grand!
So let’s embrace this month of fresh beginnings with clear intentions and perspectives for the year ahead,
And look forward to new beginnings and new chapters and growth and ensure that positivity is widespread!
The Moda House, 1 High Street, Chipping Sodbury, Bristol. BS37 6BA.
All Rights Reserved | Moda House
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